Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eggs for Sale ...

This picture captures a typical day in September of 2004 when we had our first batch of chickens. Brittney, in all her cuteness, would put on her trusty boots (apparently, pants were optional - boots, however, strictly required) and make the daily trip to the chicken coop to collect the days treasures left by our hard working hens. She was so adorable (all two-and-a-half years of her) with her little Dalmatian boots and curly blonde hair. She absolutely loved getting the eggs from the chicken coop each day and reporting back to Mom how many eggs there were. I believe at the time we only had three (3) chickens, but when we moved shortly thereafter we got rid of them and started fresh with a new batch of chickens.

Presently, we have one (1) full chicken laying an egg a day and we just bought fourteen (14) chicks that will start laying as early as August. Hopefully, we won't lose any during the raising process like we have in the past. This time we're taking extra precautions to avoid touching them. Some friends of ours said that they tried that and they didn't have any fatalities. It's worth a shot.

With this latest batch of chickens it'll be David that goes out to the chicken coop and collects the eggs. He'll be just as cute ... and we still have the boots!

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